#epc2021ga the official General Assembly hashtag


Add your voice to the proceedings of the 41st General Assembly by including the hashtag #epc2021ga on your social media posts. Connect your message with others on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

If you are not attending the Assembly, you can watch the live stream and monitor the social media feed at the same time at www.epc.org/ga2021livestream. The Leadership Institute plenary sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday, the worship services, and the business sessions will be available on the stream. Audio recordings of select Leadership Institute workshops and Networking Lunches will be available following the Assembly.

Start talking!


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EPConnection is the news and information service of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, a denomination of Presbyterian, Reformed, Evangelical, and Missional congregations. To the glory of God, the EPC family aspires to be a global movement of congregations engaged together in God’s mission through transformation, multiplication, and effective biblical leadership, embodying Jesus’ love to our neighbors near and far.

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