We Need Your Input


Retirement-Not-In-His-Future-Says-Dr_-Bill-DudleyThe 2013 General Assembly directed Moderator Bill Dudley (photo) to appoint an interim committee to examine the preparation of and requirements for those seeking ordination as teaching elders in the EPC.

The following were appointed by Bill: Luder Whitlock (Florida), Rob Norris (East), Mark Toone (Pacific) Bob Howard (Mid-America), Ed Wedin (Central South) and Fred Lian (West) who will chair the committee.  Joining Bill Dudley on this team is Stated Clerk Jeff Jeremiah and Assistant Stated Clerk Ed McCallum.

The committee was hosted by Luder Whitlock in Orlando, FL September 23-24.  The discussion across the two-day meeting addressed a wide range of topics germane to preparing the next generation of leaders in the EPC.  Soliciting input from across the EPC was declared a major immediate priority of the committee as it adjourned on September 24.

Using “Survey Monkey,” a survey was developed and finalized this week.  Invitations to participate in the survey will be distributed via email starting on Friday.  The goal is that all interested EPC individuals will have the opportunity to participate in this survey.

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